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As a middle school teacher, one major issue I face is motivating students. I believe most parents deal with motivating their own children. Therefore, I am including some links to motivating sites.

As a middle school teacher, one major issue I face is motivating students. I believe most parents deal with motivating their own children. Therefore, I am including some links to motivating sites.

"How NOT to Motivate Your Children and Students," at  discusses problems parents and teachers make when they use praise to motivate.


"Motivating Your Child" at  gives really simple suggestions on what to do and what not to do to motivate a child.


"How to Motivate Your Child for Middle School" at  explains how to help students get organized and develop good study skills in order to be successful in middle school.


"Motivating Your Underachiever" at  focuses on several reasons
why a student who is intelligent does not succeed in school and how to overcome these reasons


"Some Ideas for Motivating Students" at  gives several excellent strategies to get students to engage in learning. I like how this article relates schoolwork to the game of baseball and relates how to get

students to participate in school much like they do in sports.